Sumatra Baturaja

Sumatra Baturaja

lake Ranau.
Green rice field, blended with the blue water of Lake Ranau, seems to be a platform where various kinds of fish swimming. Ranau Lake is the second largest lake on the island of Sumatra. It is located in the border line of West Lampung, Lampung province and Ogan Komering Ulu regency, South Sumatra. The lake is created by a large earthquake and a volcanic eruption that caused a large lag in the area.
Non Timber Forest Products.
PUM Netherlands Senior Experts received a request for advice, guidance and support in the areas of Non Timber Forest Products (NTFP). The term (NTFPs) covers all tangible products of forest origin, except wood, and includes a wide range such as rattan, resins, essential oils, latex, nuts, species of fruit, seeds, leaves, game ,fish, eggs and honey. On the picture the nuts of Macadamia. The tree usually is propagated by grafting.
Pete (Parkia Speciosa).
Petai (Parkia Speciosa) tree can grow to about 30 metres. It is also known as stink beans for its foul smell, much like the stench of burnt rubber. It also has a slightly bitter taste. It is a delicacy to those who appreciate it not only for its unique taste but its supposedly medicinal property of countering diabetes. This is one example of a Non Timber Forest Product.
Agarwood is reputed to be the most expensive wood in the world. It belongs to the genus Aquilaria (Thymelaeceae family) The trees frequently become infected with a parasite fungus, and begin to produce an aromatic resin in response to this attack.The fungus and decomposition process continues to generate a very rich and dark resin forming within the heartwood. In natural forests only as rare as 7% of the trees are infected by the fungus in natural way. The success of plantations depends on the stimulation of agarwood production in the trees. Numerous inoculation techniques have been developed, with varying degrees of success.
Forum discussion.
My impressions and conclusions of the mission with the subject non-timber forest products in the area around Baturadja were incorporated into a forum. It was organized by Focus group evaluating and Monitoring the Utilization and Using of Forestry area on Bukit Nanti Protected Forest. Held by Forestry Department of OKU Selatan regency.
Albizia chinensis.
Across Indonesia there are millions of hectares of degraded land in need of rehabilitation. There is interest at both the government and farmer level of converting some of these lands to more productive use, including growing trees. Smallholders often practice tree farming to generate income and traditionally cultivate a wide range of tree species in mixed agro forestry systems. Albizia has been intentionally introduced internationally as a potentially useful tree for agroforestry, fodder and soil improvement.
Rattan is an important, non-timber forest product in Indonesia, and continuity of supply is needed for the processing industry. Rattan resources in the Indonesian forest are estimated to be about 9.4 million hectares. Rattan plays an important role in the rural economy, as well as in small and big enterprises. Most raw rattan traded on the market is obtained from natural growth in the primary and secondary forests. The canes are cut in the forest and are partially processed before being sold. Canes with small diameters are dried in the sun and often smoked using sulphur. Large canes are boiled in oil to make them dry and to protect them from insects.
Dragon fruit.
Dragon fruit is the fruit of various cactus species. In Indonesia, dragon fruit are called ‘buah naga’ where ‘naga’ means dragon and ‘buah’ is the Bahasa Indonesia word for fruit. It is one of nature’s most unique plants, with a flower like an explosion of flame and a fruit like a pink rosebud. Dragon fruit looks like a soft pineapple with spikes, and can have either pink, red or yellow skin and white or red flesh. The fruit also has overlaid or scale-like leaves, similar to an artichoke, and an abundance of small, black edible seeds. Its flavour is mildly sweet, like a blend of kiwifruit and pear, and has a crunchy texture.
Most of trimming mango trees is started to late. Keep in mind the goals to remove diseased or dead wood, open the canopy and reduce height for ease of harvest. Pruning to maintain height should begin when the tree is in its infancy.
PUM project 2018.
Sumatra - Baturaja